Demented Games Takes GameFi To The Next Level on Fuse

  • How It Works: Each round has a countdown for the closing time of the ‘live’ round and the lock time for the ‘next’ round. The winner is chosen by an oracle to ensure security and randomness.
  • Payouts: The winner takes all, minus a 2% protocol fee.
  • How It Works: Each round has a countdown indicating the closing time for the ‘live’ round and the lock time for the ‘next’ round. The price feed is provided by an oracle to ensure security and prevent manipulation.
  • Payouts: The total prize pool is the sum of Pool Pump and Pool Rekt minus the protocol fee. The winner pool is then divided among the winners.
  1. Add Fuse network to your EVM-compatible wallet (e.g. Metamask)
  2. Get FUSE tokens: You need FUSE tokens on Fuse network to participate in Demented Games. You can get FUSE tokens from the following exchanges:
  3. Bridge assets to Fuse: if you get FUSE tokens on other networks (Ethereum, BNB, Arbitrum, Polygon, etc.) you can bridge those assets to Fuse using the native bridge.
  4. Swap FUSE to WFUSE: when you have FUSE tokens on Fuse network you can wrap them to WFUSE on Voltage DEX.
  5. Play Demented Roulette: Visit Demented Roulette homepage, connect your wallet, and deposit at wFUSE tokens into a shared pool. You need at least 5 WFUSE tokens to play per round. Larger deposits increase your chances of winning. A new game starts every three minutes, and the winner takes all, minus a 2% fee.

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