Introducing the FUSE/BNB Liquidity Rewards Program on Pancake Swap

The first liquidity mining program on Binance Smart Chain will go live today, May 4th, on Pancake Swap, rewarding Liquidity Providers on the pair with 55,000 FUSE tokens over a 5-week period. Program Starting: Tuesday, May 4th at 1 pm UTC. Duration: 5 weeks. Liquidity Pool: FUSE/BNB Total Rewards: 55,000 FUSE. DEX: Pancake Swap. Platform: Binance Smart Chain. The team at […]
How Fuse uses The Graph to make Fuse More Decentralized and Dapp Development More Scalable

In March, on this blog, we announced the important integration with The Graph, a decentralized protocol for querying and indexing blockchain and Web3 data. We are excited to announce that the integration went live on The Graph’s hosted service this week, and we would like to explain to our community how The Graph will be extremely helpful […]