Blockscout Unveils Innovative Fuse Blockchain Explorer

Fuse Blockchain Explorer

Fuse Network is delighted to unveil its facelifted blockchain explorer built with the leading, open-source platform Blockscout. Now, users can query Fuse Mainnet and Testnet transactions and activity efficiently and in a more visually appealing way. 

Blockchain explorers enhance the transparency, usability, and accessibility of blockchain networks. They provide valuable insights, facilitate transaction verification, and empower users and developers to interact effectively with blockchain technology.

Blockscout is an open-source blockchain explorer optimized for exploring Ethereum-based networks and other EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) based blockchains like Fuse. At its core, it offers a distinct set of services, making Blockcscout an excellent choice to redesign the Fuse Network blockchain explorer

Fuse Blockchain Explorer

Visualize & Analyze Fuse Blockchain Activity 

The previous Fuse Network block explorer relied on several third-party integrations with products such as Metabase to deliver up-to-date data regarding network activity on Fuse. 

Now, users can explore topline network data alongside Fuse blockchain accounts, transactions, blocks, tokens, gas, and contracts natively on the new charts and stats page. Moreover, the new explorer allows users to dig deeper into the data to reveal specific token transactions and whale wallets. 

Fuse Blockchain Explorer

Why Blockscout? 

Blockscout provides several compelling reasons as to why they should build the next generation of Fuse Network Explorer:  

Blockchain Exploration: Blockscout is a robust tool for exploring and inspecting transactions on various EVM blockchains. It allows users to examine and confirm transactions on these networks, making it a valuable resource for those interested in blockchain data and analysis.

Multi-Chain Support: The platform supports multiple blockchain networks, not limited to just Ethereum, and is configured to work with different EVM-based blockchains, allowing users to explore and analyze data from various sources.

Open Source: Blockscout is an open-source project, making its source code public. This openness encourages transparency and collaboration within the blockchain community. You can find the project’s source code on GitHub.

GitHub Repository: The GitHub repository for Blockscout provides developers and blockchain enthusiasts access to the project’s codebase. It can be used for inspecting and analyzing EVM-based blockchains, making it a valuable resource for developers and researchers in the blockchain space.

Why does Fuse need a Blockchain Explorer? 

Blockchain explorers are vital tools for several key reasons:

Transparency: Blockchains are decentralized ledgers that record all transactions. Blockchain explorers provide an easy-to-use interface to access this data, making it transparent and accessible to anyone interested in verifying transactions and blockchain activity.

Transaction Visibility: Users can search for specific transactions using blockchain explorers, allowing them to view transaction details like sender and receiver addresses, amounts, timestamps, and confirmations. This transparency builds trust in blockchain networks.

Address and Block Information: Blockchain explorers enable users to inspect addresses (wallets) to see their transaction history, balance, and associated smart contracts. Users can also explore individual blocks to understand the sequence of transactions and their contents.

Validation: Blockchain explorers help users validate transactions and addresses. Users can ensure the accuracy and integrity of blockchain transactions by checking transaction status and confirming that funds reached their intended destinations.

Monitoring Network Health: Blockchain explorers display real-time network statistics, including block generation times, transaction throughput, and network congestion. This data is valuable for developers, miners, and network participants to assess the health and performance of the blockchain.

Debugging and Troubleshooting: Developers use blockchain explorers to troubleshoot issues and debug smart contracts. By inspecting transactions on the blockchain, they can identify errors, analyze contract interactions, and diagnose problems.

Research and Analysis: Researchers and analysts use blockchain explorers to gather data for various purposes, such as studying transaction patterns, assessing token distribution, and conducting market research. These insights are essential for making informed decisions.

User-Friendly Interface: Blockchain explorers provide an intuitive interface that simplifies blockchain navigation. Users can search for transactions, addresses, and blocks without interacting directly with command-line tools or code.

Educational Tool: Blockchain explorers serve as educational tools for newcomers to the blockchain space. They visually represent blockchain activity, helping users understand how transactions and blocks are linked.

Fuse Blockchain Explorer

Fuse is delighted to unveil its facelifted blockchain explorer and invites Fuse community members and the broader community to try it out. The new Fuse blockchain explorer adds increased value and transparency for token holders while becoming an invaluable internal and media tool.    

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