Easily Query and Analyze Fuse Blockchain Data with Unmarshal Tools


Unmarshal has fully indexed the Fuse Network blockchain. The tools available to developers on Fuse include NFT and DeFi APIs, the GraphQL API, the Parser feature for building data dashboards, and the Smart Notification functionality.

A blockchain, such as Fuse Network, is a uniquely structured cryptographically secured database to which new data is added with every newly published block. However, while blockchains are excellent at ensuring that the transaction registers they contain are almost impossible to tamper with and are always publicly available, the information they store is complex for developers to work with directly.

This is where blockchain indexing comes in. It involves extracting the data contained in a blockchain and converting it into a more intuitive and usable format.

A developer-friendly multichain data platform

Unmarshal is a Multi-chain Web 3.0 data network aiming to deliver granular, reliable & real-time data to dApps, DeFi protocols, NFTs, Metaverse, and GameFi solutions. Unmarshal network is powered by data indexers and transforming tools to power Web 3.0 applications on any supported chain while providing a latent view of changed data. Unmarshal has indexed over 30 significant blockchains and served over 1 billion data requests.

An essential advantage of Unmarshal for some uses compared to other blockchain data platforms is that it does not require developers to create complex blockchain query tools like subgraphs to extract and work with data their applications need. However, if developers wish to further customize their data queries from smart contracts compared to what can be obtained through other APIs, they can do it using Unmarshal’s GraphQL API.

One of the essential tools made possible by Unmarshal’s indexing technology is Parser. Developers can use it to create their indexers by choosing the intelligent contract they are interested in on an Unmarshal-supported chain and query the data they need from it. The data can then be visualized using Metabase dashboards. All of this can be done without writing a single line of code. Detailed information about Parser and how to use it is available here.

Marshal smart notifications

The Unmarshal Smart Notification feature enables instant, at-a-glance alerts for smart contract events that a developer desires to track. The notifications can be easily integrated into a dApp, and alerts can be sent to the dApp’s users across multiple devices through Firebase.

Developers wishing to integrate Unmarshal into their applications are offered a rich selection of APIs. These include DeFi APIs (for tracking wallet and smart contract transaction history, wallet balances, etc.), NFT APIs, and the already mentioned Graph QL API.

Finally, another Unmarshal tool of interest is the Xscan explorer. It allows users to get data, such as token holdings, transaction history, etc., for a blockchain address on a supported chain or multiple chains. Among other functionalities, Xscan offers the DeFi Earn tool to help users earn a yield on their idle tokens.

As far as the governance of the Unmarshal network is concerned, it is in the process of becoming progressively decentralized, and the native MARSH token will power the eventual fully decentralized platform. The token has already been issued and underlies the pilot program of decentralizing Unmarshal’s NFT indexer network. It can also be staked to receive rewards.

How Fuse Integrates Unmarshal

Previously, the Fuse Foundation provided Unmarshal with a grant to index the Fuse Network blockchain, and the indexing has now been completed. With each new block added to the chain, Unmarshal instantly updates its structured replica of the ledger, ensuring that Unmarshal-using applications always sync with the chain.

Thanks to the Fuse indexing completion, the Unmarshal tools that already enable developers to work with the Fuse Network blockchain data include DeFi and NFT APIs, the GraphQL API, Parser, and Smart Notifications.

Unmarshal will soon integrate the Fuse Network blockchain on its Xscan aggregated multichain explorer. Unmarshal’s integration announcement can find more details about all the tools available to Fuse developers.

Projects and developers in the Fuse ecosystem are encouraged to explore and deploy Unmarshal’s rich array of blockchain data management tools in their applications.

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