Fuse Builder Grants Program: Build an NFT App on Fuse Network

The Fuse Builders Grant Program is designed to accelerate the growth of Fuse Network and its ecosystem by creating valuable new tools. Apply for a grant today to bring your project to life!

For this grant, we are looking for developers who want to build new NFT applications on Fuse Network.

How to qualify?

To qualify for a grant, an application has to focus on NFTs. You can port existing NFT-related Solidity smart contracts from an EVM-based chain or create a brand new NFT-related Solidity smart contract to be launched on Fuse Network.

Potential use cases may include:

  • An NFT minting app.
  • An NFT-focused web app or mobile app.
  • A decentralized NFT auction system, or a game with NFT collectibles or NFT assets, such as virtual real estate.
  • Financial NFT applications such as financial bonds.

Grant amount.

Proposals are eligible to receive either $10,000, $5,000, or $2,500 in FUSE tokens based on the strength of the proposal and the extent to which it is deemed conducive to positive growth for the Fuse ecosystem.

Application and selection criteria.

Please apply by filling out the form here.

Candidates will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Strength of the team following analysis of GitHub, LinkedIn, etc.
  • A written description of the project. We are not necessarily looking for long detailed text but our ability to understand clearly and see the value proposition will play an important role.
  • Tech and product quality based on any work done so far and/or product roadmap vision.

Application timeline

Grant applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and remain open until otherwise stated.

  • You can apply for a grant via our application form.
  • Allow 1 to 2 weeks for the grants committee team to review the application.
  • During this time you may also post information concerning your proposal and grant request on the Fuse Forum to garner interest from our community. Whilst not a defining factor, strong interest from the community will play a positive role in the decision-making process.
  • The team is committed to making decisions rapidly. You may be invited to attend a short interview to discuss the project if it is successful in the initial stages.

Apply for your grant now ???? https://bit.ly/3xLmw40

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