Fuse Integrates Staking Rewards to Track FUSE Passive Income Metrics

Fuse Network’s core mission is to make payments and DeFi as easily accessible as possible to ordinary people. It is, therefore, essential to ensure that the important data about Fuse and its ecosystem be made easily available via convenient user interfaces. With this in mind, we are happy to announce the integration with Staking Rewards.

Staking Rewards is a leading platform aggregating data for users wishing to earn passive income with crypto assets. This involves tracking opportunities for running a validator, depositing native blockchain assets with the existing validators and staking-as-a-service providers, as well as putting funds into DeFi protocols.

For each asset tracked by the platform, Staking Rewards provides a whole range of information, including all the staking providers for the asset, their percentages of total staked and their APYs, the percentage of circulating supply staked, the inflation rate, and so on. It also informs users about the staking conditions, such as the lock-up period. Finally, it allows anyone to calculate earnings depending on the staking option chosen.

Fuse being a proof-of-stake blockchain, staking providers to be tracked with regard to the Fuse Token are the network validators. You can access the FUSE asset profile page by clicking on this link. Staking Rewards has also published a tutorial on how to stake FUSE with a validator.

“We are glad to make Fuse Staking Data available to our growing diverse set of users. It has been a pleasure working with the professional team at Fuse on integrations to ensure the most accurate and up-to-date data is being reflected on the Fuse asset profile page. We are excited to bring the profile live and continue providing valuable content around the Fuse ecosystem to our user base.”

Kenneth M. Garofalo, RA & Listing Manager at Staking Rewards

“Staking Rewards has strongly established itself as the leading industry reference for data on crypto assets and yield-earning staking opportunities. We excited by this new collaboration which exposes Fuse Network, and the rapidly growing ecosystem that us building on top it, to a highly-engaged user base with skin in the game”

Robert Miller, Communications and Marketing at Fuse.

About Staking Rewards

Staking Rewards is the leading data provider for staking and crypto-growth tools. They are currently tracking over 180 yield-bearing assets with an average reward rate of 19.51% and 7743 qualified providers.

About Fuse

Fuse Network is a scalable platform for token-using applications built upon an Ethereum-compatible proof-of-stake blockchain. Its key features are Fuse Studio, and the upcoming Fuse Cash consumer-facing payment wallet. True to its mission of bringing blockchain-powered transactions to the masses, Fuse enables the rapid creation of communities around customized tokens. Among the projects already running on Fuse are GoodDollar and Wikibank.

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