Fuse’s Native FUSE Token is Now Listed on QuickSwap

FUSE is now listed on the QuickSwap DEX on the Polygon blockchain. Trading has started on the FUSE/WETH pool and a Syrup farm has been launched to incentivize liquidity provision with $100,000 in FUSE offered as rewards.

Both individuals and corporates who interact with the Fuse Network blockchain need its native FUSE tokens in order to send transactions on it. This makes it important to ensure that it is as simple and smooth as possible for them to acquire FUSE. With this objective in mind, the Fuse team has been hard at work getting the token listed on major centralized and decentralized exchanges (DEX’s).

The availability of FUSE on DEX’s on major blockchains also serves to further boost Fuse’s interoperability with the wider crypto space. This made it a no-brainer for us to secure FUSE’s listing on QuickSwap.

QuickSwap is the second biggest DEX on the Polygon blockchain by daily trading volume behind only Uniswap V3 (Polygon), and it has around 20 thousand daily users. The platform’s native token QUICK is used to power the platform’s growing community governance, liquidity rewards programs, staking and more.

QuickSwap also has in-app integrations with popular mobile wallets and trading apps, including Coin98, Token Pocket and DEX Tools, simplifying the interactions with the DEX for many traders.

FUSE listed on QuickSwap

Fuse’s native FUSE token has now been listed on QuickSwap. A FUSE/WETH (wrapped Ether) trading pool on the DEX has been created and the initial liquidity has been provided to it to enable the trading to start.

A liquidity rewards program has also been launched on the pool and QuickSwap has allocated $50,000 in QUICK tokens to it to incentivize the liquidity providers (LPs) on the pool for the duration of three months.

On Tuesday, March 15th, a Syrup Pool will be activated for all those who wish to stake QUICK to earn 200,000 FUSE as rewards. The Syrup Pool will also run for 3 months.

This additional income opportunity will also be open to the LPs on the FUSE/WETH pool receiving QUICK tokens as rewards for their contribution. Stay tuned for the upcoming announcement for the details.

A walkthrough on how to provide liquidity on QuickSwap is available in this Twitter mega-thread.

FUSE can be bridged from Fuse Network (as well as Ethereum and BNB Chain) to Polygon to provide liquidity or trade using the Fuse-Polygon bridge on the Multichain interoperability platform that has recently added Fuse support. The bridge interface can be accessed here. WETH can be transferred to Polygon from BNB Chain (formerly Binance Smart Chain).

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