JiffyScan Extends Account Abstraction Explorer to Fuse Network

Account Abstraction JiffyScan

We are delighted to announce that Fuse Mainnet has become the latest EVM-compatible chain added to JiffyScan’s Account Abstraction UserOp Explorer. The integration will support Fuse on JiffyScan Explorer and provide data APIs to developers in the ecosystem. 

JiffyScan adding Fuse UserOp data underlines the significance of accurate information on usage in a competitive marketplace. As networks scramble to lead on Account Abstraction, It empowers Fuse dApp developers to make data-driven decisions, enhance customer experiences, personalize offerings, analyze competition, optimize operations, and explore opportunities more clearly.

JiffyScan is a leading 4337 UserOp Explorer for EVM chains and is used across the industry to verify the submission and acceptance of a userOp. It provides a more user-friendly way to interact with and understand the details of UserOperations and other abstract entities introduced by Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 4337. 

JiffyScan Account Abstraction

How JiffyScan Integrates Fuse 

Fuse joins Polygon, BNB Chain, Arbritrum, and more networks on JiffyScan, positioning Fuse more clearly in the competitive EVM landscape as an Account Abstraction powerhouse. Complete integration includes JiffyScan’s trace and data APIs for accessing and analyzing blockchain data.

The Trace API allows users to retrieve trace data related to Ethereum transactions. By making API requests, users can obtain information such as the transaction’s input, output, and any associated subtraces. 

Traces provide a detailed view of the execution steps and internal operations performed during a transaction, offering insights into smart contract interactions, contract creations, and more. The Trace API will enable developers in the Fuse ecosystem to analyze transaction behavior, debug smart contracts, and better understand Ethereum transactions.

The Data API enables users to access various blockchain usage and activity data. This API provides access to various data points, including transaction details, block information, token balances, contract data, and more. 

By utilizing the Data API, businesses and developers can leverage blockchain data to drive decision-making, enhance customer experiences, optimize operations, and explore monetization opportunities. 

The API supports querying networks such as Ethereum Mainnet, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, and Fuse, allowing users to access data from various blockchain ecosystems.

What’s a UserOp? 

EIP-4337 introduced a new type of transaction called UserOp, along with supporting off-chain infrastructure components and on-chain smart contracts. Traditional block explorers like Etherscan often fail to present the relevant details of these transactions straightforwardly from a user’s perspective.

With JiffyScan, users can easily comprehend the specifics of a single UserOperation, Smart Contract Wallet, Account, Bundler, Paymaster, and more. The platform abstracts away the additional metadata required to process these operations on-chain, allowing users to focus on the essential information. 

Moreover, JiffyScan treats these new entities as first-class citizens when designing views and metrics, providing a more user-centric experience.

Bundlers, which package user operations with metadata and trigger the entry point smart contract for processing, play a role in executing 4337 transactions. Eth nodes are still utilized, as bundlers act as intermediaries between the user and the node, submitting the bundled transaction request for processing on the blockchain.

In the context of executing EIP-4337 transactions, bundlers play a crucial role. They package UserOps with metadata and trigger the entry point smart contract for processing. Eth nodes are still utilized, with bundlers acting as intermediaries between the user and the node, submitting the bundled transaction request for processing on the blockchain. This process enhances the efficiency of EIP-4337 transactions.

JiffyScan Integration In Summary 

This integration allows JiffyScan to support Fuse and provide data APIs to developers within the Fuse ecosystem. Adding Fuse to JiffyScan highlights the importance of accurate data in a competitive marketplace, enabling Fuse dApp developers to make data-driven decisions, enhance customer experiences, and explore opportunities more effectively.

Overall, JiffyScan’s integration of Fuse reinforces our position in the competitive EVM landscape and empowers developers with valuable data to drive their dApps and projects forward.

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